[Fot] Race Report - Wild Hare Run Part 2

Henry Frye henry at henryfrye.com
Tue Apr 22 08:11:59 MDT 2008

--continued from Part 1

The McDougall Trophy was awarded again, I'll let the presenters make
their presentation to the FOT-at-large.

Unfortunately the mantra of our mentor was nowhere to be found this
weekend. As a whole, the Triumphs did not do Kas Kastner proud, as many
were beaten by equipment. Both yellow TR4's went down with
gearbox/clutch issues, we lost a TR3 and a TR4 to a lack of oil
pressure, plus we lost one tractor motor to the obligatory head gasket.
We thought we lost Don Marshall to the oil pressure demon, but he was
able to reverse his misfortune and run the feature.

The grid for the feature was looking a bit sparse for Triumphs, but we
were hopeful for good finishes and a good show between Jackson and
Snook. Mike was keen to reverse the finishing order from Sebring. Those
hopes went to pot when an overzealous Sprite driver succeeded in taking
out both of them on turn 1 of lap 1, then with one lap to go the same
Sprite driver did it again and took out yet another Triumph by
overcooking it going into the roller coaster and instead of putting both
feet to the floor to regain control he kept peddling it and shot back
onto the track.

Hats off to Leo Oddi who was screaming on track all weekend flirting
with the top of the Triumph lap times. He survived the attrition of the
paddock demons and the crazy Sprite driver and came in as the top dog
Triumph driver in the feature. Leo has been moving up the charts at a
steady pace, and has now cemented his status as one of the fast guys.
Welcome aboard, Leo!

Richmond Triumph Register faithful Chip Collingswood brought his period
correct prepped Datsun 510 to play, and Scott Tilton came to help around
the paddock. Thanks to Scott for the help on my car, when you are
reinstalling a gearbox for the second time in a weekend, you really get
to know who your friends are!

Until next time...

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