[Fot] webbers 40 dcoe

Gt6steve at aol.com Gt6steve at aol.com
Sun Mar 16 09:12:05 MDT 2008

Interesting observations and not a word there I would dispute.  I  simply 
went to the plastic floats and never looked back.  Has anyone had a  failure with 
the plastic?

Steve...I think  you know that we have had more than our fair share of float 
problems these past  few years.  In fact, Bob Wismer had more float issues 
down in Sebring this  past week end.  We agree with the suggested modern fuel 
additive issues you  mentioned, but also we're convinced 'long tows' with empty 
fuel bowls are a  contributing factor.  For what it is worth, we believe fuel 
evaporates  quickly from the fuel bowel and the floats bounce/rub on the post 
during long  tows.  Bob has taken to ensuring the fuel bowls are full before he 
starts  any long tow.  He hit some 'nasty winter' weather in route from our 
shop in  Wisconsin to Florida.  He got stuck over twenty-four hours in 
Indianapolis  during a snow storm.  Maybe he didn't load the bowls before starting out 
 again, but he had another failure at Sebring.

Two more comments.   

ONE, I bought my last replacement floats directly from Joe Curo (sp?),  the 
SU specialist out east.  Might be too early to leap to a conclusion,  but I've 
had no failures with his since.  The ones I purchased from Moss,  Roadster 
Factory, Victoria British, etc., all appear to come from the same  source.  The 
ones from Joe are distinctive (packaging, special markings,  etc.).

TWO, across the pond, Bill Woodhouse was the founder of English  Specials 
Tornado Cars, and built the Talisman, Typhoon, and Thunder Bolt we  race.  He 
recently sent me an article that suggests there is an issue with  modern solder 
(no lead), and a reaction when using it to repair floats with old  solder 
containing lead.  It seems there is a reaction, and failure.   Not sure how that 
fits in the mix, but it might explain why we've not had good  luck with the ones 
we've repaired ourselves.

Bill  Dentinger

PS...Did you know?  Bob Wismer told me that the hotel  rooms with a view in 
Indianapolis are cheaper?

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