[Fot] saftey harness

rek46 at aol.com rek46 at aol.com
Fri Dec 25 09:12:16 MST 2009

depends on the 'brand'...if its an RJS,they will re-web....others may not,  
they prob lobbies SCCA to shorten the dates to sell more...
In a message dated 12/25/2009 10:08:15 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
19to1tr6 at comcast.net writes:

Boy time  fly's my belts expire in 5 days they were good for 4 years. They  
probably be good for another 4 but rules is rules. Does anyone have a  name 
a company that can re web the hard ware.  thanks    happy holidays to  all
You are subscribed as  rek46 at aol.com


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