[Fot] Haave you ever......

Doug Mitchell dmitchel at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 16 04:35:04 MST 2009

I took another corner work for a ride once at Waterford Hills, Michigan.
He climbed in, fastened the seat belt and told me I could go as fast as
I wanted. I had a whole lap of open track. He held on for dear life and
couldn't get out of the car as fast as he wanted to. I think there are still
finger impressions on the crash pad. I took my wife for a ride there a
few years ago. She didn't mind too much, but we didn't have that much
clear track.

When I used to autocross, I'd find myself shaking at the end of a good
run. The adrenalin was really pumping. Took me a while to figure out
what was causing it.


From: MadMarx <tr4racing at googlemail.com>
To: Triumph Friends of <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 4:22:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Haave you ever......

I have taken several people over the Nordschleife in my Triumph and all of
them got out a little pale.
One said voiceless - : You are nuts.

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