[Fot] Design review: Baffled trap door oil pan and hammered up pickup...

Mark Eginton markconsultation at twcny.rr.com
Sun Dec 27 08:37:21 MST 2009

I'm sure this is the one group that understands how that works. The job 
starts as a simple baffle but as the job progresses, the ideas flow and 
next thing you know it becomes about playing with the torch to see if I 
can do it. By the time I am done; overkill...

I kindda miss Uncle Jack who used to a voice of reason to run ideas by - 
in fact it was Tony that brought reality for my big plans for a custom 
scraper and oil trap system was probably worth less than a horse-power 
in my case. In the long run its all about being in our playgrounds with 
all our toys - I've seen your cars - you know what I mean...

I do worry that I may have done something with unforeseen consequences - 
hence the post.



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