[Fot] Kramer's new TR4 is on the VIR History page.

Bob Kramer rkramer3 at austin.rr.com
Sun Jun 28 20:01:54 MDT 2009

I'm home with the new car and I've done a little research trying to find out 
the history. I found a picture of the car on the VIRHistory.com page, and it 
was raced by a Robert Johnson at VIR in July 26-27, 1969. It appears to have 
a Valvoline ARRC Particiapnt sticker on the side but his name doesn't show 
up on the lists I can find. Maybe he had just purchased it?

I have the SCCA logbook for an Ott Jenson starting in 1972. It then went 
from Sheldon Peterson,  to Micheal Warburt and John Forrester before Dennis 
Shea restored it in the early 80's. I have Dennis' SVRA logbooks.

Any help appreciated.

Bob Kramer

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