[Fot] Brad-Penn

Robert Johns rjohns at woh.rr.com
Mon Sep 14 17:07:00 MDT 2015

I am finding it very interesting to see all the chatter about my home town.  I was born and grew up in Bradford and I suppose that I should know about as much about the Kendall Refinery, AKA Brad-Penn,  as anyone in FOT.  I grew up under the shadow of the Refinery.  I walked past the main gate and offices four times a day going to grade school.  (We had to go home for lunch!)  My father-in-law sold crude oil to the Kendall and his wells were among one of the tank farms, (that is, a cluster of storage tanks).  He also had, for many years, the largest service station that the Kendall had in existence. I had many friends that worked there, including my best buddy, who worked in the Control Lab. I still have some connections that I can reach out to, and I have a source of Brad-Penn oil,  when I happen to be going there.  I usually go at least twice a year to Bradford.   
Robert Johns
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