[Fot] Main brg strap

Bob Kramer rkramer56 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 14:17:44 MST 2020

Ken Gilanders and others advised us to chamfer those stud holes to prevent
raised edges as well.

Bob Kramer

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 3:00 PM fubog1 via Fot <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:

> That crack is pretty common with these, a Timesert or similar is the
> correct repair.
> Re the center main cap strap, in my experience, these are engines are good
> up to 6.5kish, if it has a good crank & all is within spec and well
> balanced, and the loads are within reasonable limits.
> Beyond that the bending loads increase with RPM, due to the recip weight
> heavily loading that center main, and it gets overloaded.
> Once the cap deforms and/or fastener stretches, ie it's not round anymore
> and not supporting the bearings, the bad stuff starts to happen.
> You can tell if it getting overloaded, measure the center journal very
> carefully, we're into tenths now, and note where the wear is, it's normally
> even all around the journal.
> When the load gets too heavy the wear will be mostly on the crankpin side
> of the journal; it will be very obvious.
> At that point a center strap will help for sure but the loads will still
> be there unless weight is reduced.
> This is why I try to focus on torque vs high RPM HP with these engines.
> Glen
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 10:43 PM Nick Black via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>
> wrote:
> Well it’s finally time to build a new motor... the crack at the rear head
> bolt just won’t stop leakin anymore...so...
> I’ve found the Chevy front strap to use on the center main, but what are
> you using for main bolts/studs for the additional length?
> How about a complete set of fasteners for the mains? Does ARP make
> anything?
> Motoring on in NORCAL
> Nick
> Sent from the wilds of NorCal
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