[JAGNUTS] Thanksgiving puzzle

Dave Sebastien jagnuts@autox.team.net
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 18:18:41 +0000

        Andrew, If you are sure that there is spark from the coil lead and 
not from the plug leads then this can only be a bad rotor, if you pull the 
rotor off and look at the bottom side you will see a black spot where the 
spark has shorted to the dist. shaft , the spark is supposed to follow the 
rotor as it rotates and contact each pin inside the cap, from there along 
the lead to each plug individually in time.  Dave

>From: "Luigi Mazzotti" <lmazzotti@p3arch.com>
>Reply-To: jagnuts@autox.team.net
>To: <jagnuts@autox.team.net>
>Subject: RE: [JAGNUTS] Thanksgiving puzzle
>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:50:43 -0600
>The year of your car probably does not have any electronic components,
>but if it does check them out.  Even if you think there are none check
>the Owner's manual.  My 82 Alfa had a similar problem which was traced
>back to the on board 'brain'.  It took a few hours to trace the
>electrical problem - a broken circuit.
>This is only my suggestion.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: jagnuts-admin@autox.team.net [mailto:jagnuts-admin@autox.team.net]
>On Behalf Of Andrew
>Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 12:43 PM
>To: JAGNUT list
>Subject: [JAGNUTS] Thanksgiving puzzle
>I would appreciate your help in diagnosing the following problem. There
>could be prizes!
>the 73 MGB GT ran fine one evening. The next day, it turned over fine,
>fired a few times but would not run. There is ample fuel, a coil swap
>made no difference, there is good spark on the coil wire going to the
>dizzy, but there does not seem to be a spark when grounding  any of the
>sparkplug lead ends. The points and condenser were replace a few months
>ago, and the points are properly gapped. When the ignition is on, there
>is only a slight spark/arc when manually opening/closing the points. I
>don't have a spare condenser, so I haven't test-swapped it.
>any suggestions?
>JAGNUTS Regina  -  mailing list
>REPLY TO : Jagnuts@autox.team.net
>JAGNUTS Regina  -  mailing list
>REPLY TO : Jagnuts@autox.team.net

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