[JAGNUTS] Merry Christmas

E.A. Driver edriver at sasktel.net
Thu Dec 13 09:03:30 MST 2007

Hi Ron

A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Bonnie from one of
the Saskatoon Branch of Jagnuts!

Sounds like the Chuckle Bros are doing very well, just  a great show and a super

Kind regards
Ed and Margaret

Ron wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> Just wanted to wish everyone back in Regina a very Merry Christmas. Hope you
> think of us once in a while, we think of the Jagnuts allot and miss you all
> very much. I only wish I could come to visit with a jag again, but that won't
> be for a while. Even though times are a little tough right now, the last thing
> to go will be my Jags.
> As you know, Bonnie and I moved out to Ottawa to pursue the Chuckle Bros
> dream, and  it's starting to slowly take shape. The jagnuts were very
> supportive of my adventure and I thank you very much for that. To update you
> all, our cartoon is now in 38 papers across Canada and we just became
> available to the U.S market last month and already locked up in two very large
> papers, the Seattle Times and the New York Daily News. For those counting that
> brings our possible readership to approximately  10 to 15 million people, and
> we're just getting started!
> We wish you all the best in the New Year and  will be thinking about the good
> time we would be having at your Christmas party at Tony and Donna's.
> Ron and Bonnie Boychuk
> Transplanted Jagnuts
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