[JAGNUTS] The Eternal Jagnut Dilema ... to Tea or Not to Tea ...

rwhitley at calculon.library.ns.ca rwhitley at calculon.library.ns.ca
Thu Mar 18 02:40:47 MST 2010

Julius Caesar, Act One:

"We come to see Caesar, and rejoice in his Triumph"

I expect Bill was a TR man...
Ray W on the RH Coast

> With apologies to Bill Shakespeare on this somewhat new interpretation of
> his work ...
> To Tea or not to Tea
> That is the question:
> Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
> The slings and arrows of the outrageous cost of coffee at Starbucks,
> Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
> by NOT going to Chris's beanery each Sunday
> And, by opposing, end them.
> To die, to sleep
> No more  - and by a sleep to say we end
> our car's annual ritual winter hibernation and the thousand natural shocks
> That flesh is heir to - 'tis a consummation
> Devoutly to be wished!
> To die, to sleep
> To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,
> For in that sleep (of a newly restored roadster), what dreams may come,
> When we have shuffled off this mortal ignition coil,
> Must give us pause. There's the respect
> That makes calamity of owning a British car our life.
> For who would bear the whips and scorns of owning that British car,
> Th' compressor's wrong, the proud man's newly found humility,
> The pangs of inexplicable shipwright's disease, the tow truck's delay,
> The insolence of the officer, and the spurns
> That patient merit th' unworthy Italian car owner's take,
> When he himself might his quietus make
> With a bare bodkin?
> [now THERE's a picture I can't get out of my mind!]
> Who would fardels bear [what's a fardel?],
> To grunt and sweat under an oily pipe,
> But that the dread of something after coffee,
> The undiscovered electrical fault from whose burn
> No traveler returns, puzzles the will
> And makes us rather bear those ills we have
> Than fly to others electrical faults that we know not of?
> Thus conscience [or rather common sense] does make cowards of us all,
> And thus the native hue of resolution
> Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought of that latest repair bill,
> And enterprises of great pitch and moment
> With this regard their shock absorbers turn awry,
> And lose the name of action.
> Soft you now!
> The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy E-Type
> Be all my sins remembered
> OK now class, what IS the question.  And more importantly, WHAT is the
> answer?
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