[Mgs] brakes

James Schulte schultejim at msn.com
Tue Dec 4 08:20:30 MST 2007

Also an interesting suggestion Paul. I will try that first and then go to a 
gravel road as David suggested if they are still not right.

Jim Schulte
Aquatic Coordinator Souderton S.D.
Co-Secretary Philadelphia MG Club
Co-Coordinator MG 2008
Eastern HS WP Officials Scheduler

>From: "Paul Hunt" <paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk>
>To: "James Schulte" <schultejim at msn.com>,<Mgs at autox.team.net>
>Subject: Re: [Mgs] brakes
>Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 14:24:36 -0000
>If I understand you correctly that is what I get on both mine after 
>'normal' bleeding.  I find I have to add a second step which involves an 
>assistant pressing down very hard on the pedal then I rapidly open and 
>close each caliper nipple in turn.  That always blasts a bit more air out 
>(that normal pumping doesn't) and after that they are fine.
>----- Original Message -----
>>I'm not seeing any leaks anywhere and the air bubbles in the lines go away
>>with several pumps and releases. Only to come back after a test drive and 
>>soft peddle upon braking on the road.

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