[Mgs] Anti-sway bay

Barrie Robinson barrie at look.ca
Mon Jul 23 14:56:17 MDT 2007

I am trying to replace my current rad with an aluminium one.  All is 
undone and free BUT I cannot get the rad out (and presumably the new 
one in) because the bottom outlet fouls the front anti-sway 
bar.  Obviously cutting the bottom outlet off is not a good idea and 
doing same to new rad would be absolutely stupid.  What I want to 
know is can I undo the two brackets holding the anti-sway bar and 
swing it away - or does this not go so easily.    Is the sway bar 
under some sort of tension/compression?  Time is short as the date 
for the British V8 show is looming up !!!


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060

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