[Mgs] Overdrive Numbers

The Roxter rocknatural at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 22:52:06 MST 2008

Aaron Whiteman wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2008, at 4:51 PM, Murray Arundell wrote:
>> I'm sorry Aaron but those statements are rediculous and yiur views  
>> are at odds with every motor engineer currently practising. Except  
>> it seems John Twist and as such I would have therefore suspect his  
>> opinions on anything.
> I'm sorry, but perhaps you didn't learn the definition of 'anecdotal'.
> Anecdotal (adjective): (of an account) not necessarily true or  
> reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or  
> research.
> So, before you attack my statements as ridiculous, consider what I  
> wrote.  My *anecdotal* experience is that the overdrive does nothing  
> to improve gas mileage, but does significantly improve the  
> enjoyability of driving at high speeds for long distances.  In fact,  
> my overdrive-equipped MG gets *worse* mileage when compared to a non- 
> OD equipped car with the same driver (as I wrote previously, I  
> suspect other factors are involved).  As a second *anecdotal* note,  
> when my OD was inoperative, my mileage on a 180 mile trip from  
> Ellensburg to Pullman was still right within the range I normally get  
> (26-30).  I noted it only in that there was no change to note.
> Your mileage may vary.  Mine didn't.
I normally keep my tater trap tight shut here, unless I have some unique advice to share, but I can't keep quiet about this.

Dammit, guys, real gentlement don't just come out and call each other liars or idiots, even if we (possibly erroneously) think that to be a true description at the time.


Murray, the word is "ridiculous;" it derives from "ridicule." I'll bet you ten bucks you pronounce it that way too, "Re" without a clue that some people around you are discounting your contributions because of that usage.

A simple request: Lets's have a shitload more comeraderie and a similar s. l. less contempt shown.

-The Roxter

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