[Mgs] First drive of the year

PaulHunt73 paulhunt73 at virginmedia.com
Thu Apr 16 07:52:10 MDT 2015

Conditioning chargers i.e. the ones designed to be connected long-term (not the old-fashioned trickle chargers) are usually intelligent and apply a charge that is relevant to the batteries needs.  If this is what you have then the battery probably is dead.  Some leave them on winter and summer, but they can get 'addicted' and the first night away from home and the charger could fail the next morning.  Unless you have a drain, and that includes sophisticated alarm systems, an MGB battery should be fine for a couple of months or more without being used or charged.

  ----- Original Message ----- 

  I do, but it's a battery tender, not a real 'charger'..... But for some reason it did not work over the winter. But I have a feeling the battery is dead, as it didn't
  really recharge, apparently, after my short ride last week.... Although it was almost 2 weeks ago now, so we'll see....
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