
Gammon gammon@optonline.net
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 22:04:14 -0500

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Hi all. Welcome to our little corner of the web. <br>
To avoid any confusion, I don't want to be in charge. But I do suggest we
make Dale the bouncer.<br>
All in favor, say "AYE".<br>
The motion carries!<br>
Lets encourage talk about bike related stuff, especially when we put it on
the website one fine day.<br>
I was thinking about it, there are a number of bike mods and related subjects
we can address.<br>
Jet kits, mixture, backreasts, handlebars, throttle locks, rear shocks, floorboards,
seats, shields, <br>
tires, batteries, Burrito stand, saddlebags, The As The MIG Turns, etc.(Bill,
MIG Place? The Middle Aged and Restful?)<br>
Rides, how to ride fast, how to cruise, avoiding obstacles, hitting obstacles.
MSF, track riding (Hey Craig, I wanna do that, you think if I took off one
week and Jimmy and drive down, I can get into the course for a lesson or
two at the track?) <br>
But I think we need to avoid too much BS, cursing for the hell of it, religion,
 chatting inanely of our stupid opinions (oh, whoops, we don't want to get
rid of that!)<br>
"Wit will be encouraged, but the witless discouraged." <small>TM</small>
<small><small>Lucky Bastard 2004</small></small><br>
Ahem, <br>
the way I look at it, we settle anything between the older members<br>
of this list and we should have no problems. <br>
For lack of a better name, we call it the core group. <br>
But what to name The List? MIG Tech and Ride List?<br>
Ideas appreciated. <br>
Democracy of the few, just like the good old USA started! And we elect new
core group members from this group, OK?<br>
I know we don't have everyone we need on the core group here yet. We need
to add a lot of folks. <br>
Please all chime in, if only so we all know who is on. I don't have access
to the membership list yet.<br>