DL1000 MPG, Part One

The Gammons gammon@optonline.net
Mon, 03 Oct 2005 08:31:07 -0400

Having read parts one and two, well done Hubert.

Tickets, like ATM penalties, are all about income. Or as I like to say, when
the price has nothing to do with the cost, something ought to change.

It is good to see you seeing life like John Lennon, as a watcher. Our lives
ought to be a mix, opinion and involvement when we can help, and pragmatism
when we can have no effect. Anger over what we can't change is crazy. (So
why do I get angry anyway? I'm nuts is all. Hey, I'm working on it.)

The Beemer or Saab guys have just as many problems as you have in most
cases. If life is too easy, people find ways of screwing up and making
trouble. I've seen it so many times. Look at the divorce statistics. Nothing
in average life is more avoidable or as painful.

But I enjoyed it and it is good to see you writing.
