[Shop-talk] Air Compressors

Paul Parkanzky parkanzky at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 08:32:23 MST 2008

Just a note to let everybody know that I've been reading these responses
with great interest.  I was **this** close to buying the Craftsman
compressor in my original note, but decided to wait and collect some more
opinions.  Now that I've done some more research, I am leaning more towards
IR or Quincy.  I'm pretty impressed with Eaton's website too, so I will look
into that.

On Jan 22, 2008 8:20 PM, Bill Gilroy <wmgilroy at gmail.com> wrote:

> My advice is bigger is always better in this case.   I would only consider
> a two stage compressor.  Either an IR or a Quincy.  Quincy makes a good
> product, here is a quick like to some of their line
> http://www.tptools.com/p/2170,91_Quincy-5-HP-2-Stage.html you might be
> able to find better pricing.
> I have also heard good things about Eaton compressors,
> http://www.eatoncompressor.com/page/page/504413.htm  I know a guy that has
> 2 in his machine shop and he thinks very highly of their product.  Something
> like http://www.eatoncompressor.com/catalog/item/504747/206949.htm or
> this, http://www.eatoncompressor.com/catalog/item/504747/172459.htm
> -g

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