[Shop-talk] Mailbox to end all mailboxes

Donald H Locker dhlocker at comcast.net
Sat Jun 27 19:54:21 MDT 2009

I've been following this thread since the beginning.

I have the opposite problem - the snow plow operators stay a good 3 feet away from our mail box.  Meaning the snow is well and thoroughly piled up in a nice row in front of the mail box so the delivery can't be made.   All twelve feet of road is packed into the two or three feet in front of the box.

I'd rather they take out my box occasionally than to leave me to move the 30 ft long by 3 ft wide by 2-3-4-5 ft deep pile that greets me every snowy morning :(

Maybe a breakaway box that can be easily be reset would suit?

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Miller" <jem at milleredp.com>
To: "Shop-Talk Mailing List" <shop-talk at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:03:59 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Mailbox to end all mailboxes

> Growing up I had a neighbor who had his mailbox take out regularly by 
> the plow.  Town said tough luck.  He was a well driller so he set up his 
> rig and bored into the bedrock.  He then insert an old drilling shaft 
> into hole and set is mail box on top.  It was hit by the plow only once 
> after that.

I was thinking something reinforced concrete three feet in diameter, 
jacketed with 3/8in steel, and with hot water pumped through it to melt 
any snow that builds up around the mailbox so the plow guy can't help 
but see it.

But eventually you end up with a mailbox that costs as much to run as 
the house...


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