[Shotimes] (OT) Car Dollies and other neat stuff

Robert M. mysho93@yahoo.com
Thu, 7 Aug 2003 12:37:36 -0700 (PDT)

I have seen their stuff before. About 2-3 times a year they have a sale that travels around and it comes to our small town for 1-2 days and then goes somewhere else. Not too bad of quality, if you don't have a lot of money to spend on them.

Ron Porter <ronporter@prodigy.net> wrote:FYI,

Originally went to this link to see the car dollies:


Select "Specialty Tools", then go to the Speedway Series Dolly. Cool part
for moving a car around in the garage, or getting the wheels off the ground
for storage.

Anyway, I had not heard of the Homier folks before, and there are some other
interesting tools if you poke around their site.

Ron Porter 
Shotimes mailing list

-Robert Miller

-93 Black on Black SHO, 130k
-90 Red on Black 5.0 Mustang LX, Hatchback 
-81 Doodoo Brown Fairmont Wagon, (NEED TO SELL, HELLPP!!!)

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