[Shotimes] RE: Hard Rubber Trim

Ron Porter ronporter@prodigy.net
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 21:51:24 -0500

I will strongly second the recommendation on Mothers "Back To Black". In
fact, I was going to write a glowing review a few weeks ago and didn't.

In the past, I had serious problems with the wax & polish staining the black
trim (hard rubber & plastic stuff) on my 911 after using the 7424
random-orbital. Other cleaners did not help, but I used Back To Black this
year, and it came out GREAT.

I then used it on the SHO, and all of the black surfaces, including the
flat-black mirror housings on my '95, came out GREAT. Even where I caught
the rear window moldings with wax, it came out fine with the Mothers.

I know that Don likes the Wurth product, and I personally haven't tried it,
but the Mothers is excellent.

Ron Porter

-----Original Message-----
From: cbcrawford@comcast.net [mailto:cbcrawford@comcast.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 9:42 PM
To: v8sho@v8sho.com
Subject: Hard Rubber Trim

Took the SHO to the beauty shop today, when we left I noticed that the hard
rubber (NOT the weather striping, the "molding" style stuff) around all four
windows had developed a spotty, worn, dry rot, basicaly icky look . . .
despite regular "armor all" or "armor all substitute" treatments.

Spoke to one of the detailers and he said they could charge me an arm and a
leg, or I could go to the local auto parts store and get a cleaner that
kills FUNGUS.  I kid you not, it seems that it was a fungus that had been
there for more than a year with me idly attempting to rub it off with "black
magic" and Armour All.

Zapped the stuff w/some cleaner & rough cloth, then applied Mother's "Back
to Black" ($4.99 at AutoZone).  While it doesn't look like brand new, I'm
thouroughly impressed with the product and am writing this to reccomend it
to anyone who might be having similar problems (Don't forget to kill the
fungus and get the dirt off first!).  I'll be putting a second heavy coat of
the stuff on in the next couple days, but even if it doesn't get any better,
I'm still satisfied.

Chris Crawford
'97 TR

PS - Had the Dome Light / Door Ajar issue raise it's ugly head today.
Thanks again to all who contribute to this site, took less than a minute to
find the fix on V8SHO.com and resolve the problem . . . .