[Shotimes] Bozo Auto Mechanics

Eric Keller unterhausen@yahoo.com
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 14:21:57 -0800 (PST)

The Air Force has auto hobby shops.  You rent the
stall and they lend you tools.  Really nice setup and
a lot easier than doing the work at home.  The one at
Hill AFB got caught cheating on state inspections and
they had to put in a dynamic brake test machine.  The
mechanic takes the car outside the building and drives
in at what seems to be 35 mph and slams on the brakes.
 Very exciting, especially when you hear the sho
revving up in first gear before it appears in the

As far as other vehicles being hard to work on, we
have a Montana minivan to haul the kids around in and
it is nasty to work on.  Pontiac mechanics can't lift
weights because if your arm is too thick you can't
reach the back spark plugs.  I tried coming in from
underneath the van -- what a joke, need more elbows
and a couple more forarms to make that work. First
step in almost any engine work: remove engine mounts
and rotate engine forward with a cargo strap.

Eric "don't lift weights" Keller

>Subject: RE: [Shotimes] Bozo Auto Mechanics
>Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 15:53:38 -0500

>Ok, that having been said, if any of you ever find
>yourself on Norfolk 
>Base for some reason, avoid the shop on the base.
>but cheap parts! I 
>got a
>water pump for $60... and it works g|d

>ATAN Hartberger, USN
>USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71

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