[Shotimes] Hey, Jim Ryan, Kris Angermeier, J V O, the rest of you.....cry with me................

George Fourchy krazgeo@jps.net
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 15:29:56 -0800

I was commuting to work today, and passed a truck loaded with flattened cars as I
was approaching Richmond (Ca.) on I-80.  The top car on the back pile looked
familiar as I approached it.  

It was a white Plus......A WHITE PLUS!!!  Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

The grille, lights, bumper (what I could see of it) were all good.  The headlights
weren't cracked.  I was in the fast lane, and we were going around a curve, so I
couldn't stare, but I think that car had lots of parts to offer before it got
crushed.  I couldn't see if the hood was there or not, but if it was, it was GOOD,
until it got chewed up by the press.

I'd HATE to think what the inside looked like.....think of all the parts someone
didn't get.  I don't know where it came from, but it was sickening......
