[Shotimes] Hey, Jim Ryan, Kris Angermeier, J V O, the rest of you.....cry with me................

Donald Mallinson dmall@mwonline.net
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 21:59:42 -0600

Cop is wrong, Yellow is allowed by law in all states on the 
back (turn signals).  Also, most states now allow blue dot 
taillight bulbs on old street rods, customs since they have 
been around...oh...forever.  :)

Yellow allowed on the front too, again turn signals, fog lights.

anyway, hope your day got better!

Don Mallinson

kickinsho wrote:

> Side note, I am having a screwed up day, only I could have this type.  I
> will not bore any of you, however, for anyone in Wisconsin let it be known
> that the only lights on your car that you can have, are the lights the car
> came with.
> Some young cop (cute too) pulled me over to let me know that I couldn't have
> the colored lights over the license plate.  In fact he added, that any color
> other than white or red on the rear, and pretty much anywhere else, is
> illegal.