[Shotimes] Weiner Auto Mechanics

Paul Nimz niks@dialnetwork.com
Sun, 21 Dec 2003 00:37:54 -0600

Yes I had a ford dealer in Champaign, Ill who took one look at my motor and
refused to work on it this summer.

Paul Nimz
'97 TR
'93 EG mtx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hartberger, Jason M. ATAN" <hartbejm@roosevelt.navy.mil>
To: "SHOtimes mailing list (E-mail)" <shotimes@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 7:57 PM
Subject: [Shotimes] Weiner Auto Mechanics

> Does anybody have any experience with having people refuse to work on your
> car because they're scared of them? I went to my base auto shop (a pretty
> good shop, I've had work done with them before) and asked them for a
> estimate on a 100k, and they guy at the counter asked me what the hell a
> 100k was (bad sign), so I told him... he just looked at me and then he
> looked at a fellow mechanic and said "you ever worked on a SHO before?"
> other guy said "yup... I never want to work on one again." and then the
> I was talking to said, "We won't take it. I worked on a SHO once, got damn
> near married to it..."
> People are scared to work on SHOs? Is this common? Seriously, I've seen
> instructions for doing the maintenance, and it doesn't look that hard. I'd
> just do it my own damn self, but I have a base parking lot for a garage
> about as much technical skill as Brian Boitano (what *would* he do?)... so
> now I'm searching for some dealers that aren't scared of it... weiners.
> ATAN Hartberger, USN
> USS Theodore Roosevelt
> 94 red ATX 101K  "I wanted an mtx dammit, but nobody drives one around
> here!"
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