[Shotimes] vacuum leak/spark problems

Hartberger, Jason M. ATAN hartbejm@roosevelt.navy.mil
Sun, 28 Dec 2003 21:53:34 -0500

Hello all, I have a 94 ATX with 101K miles on it in beautiful condition, but
I just developed some problems with it... when I first start it up, the
engine shakes back and forth like the engine mounts are loose... but I don't
think they are. After I start driving it a little, it morphs into rough
revving below 3000 rpm... but only when the pedal is slightly depressed,
which leads me to think it might be a vacuum leak somewhere, but when I do
the dollar/exhaust pipe test, that tells me I have a cylinder out. 

Then it becomes obvious that there's a cylinder out because during hard
acceleration, I get crap power... but the fubar'd cylinder mysteriously
kicks on and off... making for some very interesting acceleration when
behind other cars! Does anybody have any idea what this might be caused by? 

There is some other background info... the day before, I washed the engine
compartment and used a little too much high-pressure spray... I might have
either soaked something I wasn't supposed to or knocked something loose. I
also managed to drive right over a curb (I swear, it came out of nowhere!
stupid left turns), and I might have knocked something loose then. 

Other than that, I'm at a complete loss. It doesn't affect driveability too
much, and there's no CE light, so I'm not *too* worried about the car dying
on me... yet... but if anybody has any ideas as to what this might be, I'd
really appreciate the help.

ATAN Hartberger, USN
USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71

94 ATX red 101K "binary car"