[Shotimes] Attention Philly and New Jersey Residents: Atco Raceway Aug. 7th

Kevin M. Bisch kevin624@bellatlantic.net
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 22:18:42 -0400

I have to work next thursday night or I'd be there with yas :(


At 04:41 PM 7/29/2003 -0400, Jonathan Zane wrote:
>I've seen quite a  few members of this list in and around the New
>Jersey/Philly area.  I would like to propose that we have an unofficial SHO
>night at Atco Raceway next Thursday, Aug 7th.  If you are interested please
>post to the list.  If there is a big enough interest we can probably talk
>with the officials to get recognized and have our own lane.  I'm open to any
>other night (Atco is open Tue, Thurs & Friday) if the interest is there.
>Either way I'll be there, look for my 93 White ATX w/ silver slicers.  It
>would be nice to meet some of the others on the list and maybe have a few
>drinks afterwards at the Winners Circle.
>Jonathan Zane
>1988 Mustang LX
>1995 Taurus SHO
>1993 Taurus SHO
>1979 F-150 4x4
>1989 Ford Festiva
>2001 Raptor
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