[Shotimes] Shogun on eBay

IdriveaSHO@aol.com IdriveaSHO@aol.com
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 19:55:53 EST

I think that's the same answer I would have given you two =)  All it takes is 
a fool with alot of money and the old adage will come true. -Steve Bowen

<< I emailed the seller and asked how much he would want for the car since the
 starting bid was never going to be offered <$20K>. I also told him that he
 would need to find a collector or an enthusiast such as myself, but I was
 not willing to pay $20K for it. I asked him to think of a reasonable price
 for the Festiva-on-crack and he replied back with:
 "I want $100,000 for it you asshole"