[Shotimes] RE: COTM at the SHO FORUM

Kirk Doucette Kirk.doucette@verizon.net
Sat, 1 Nov 2003 19:41:55 -0500

He has redone most of the original car, its pretty dame nice now.. about
twice as fast as Carters and 5 times faster than Beths :-) But Beth's is
gorgeous looking. I cant stand the other Riced out car.. as you can read

I went for a ride in that car, all I can come up with for words for that car

Kirk J Doucette
NESHOC President
Stormtrooper-97 White

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Porter [mailto:ronporter@prodigy.net]
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 7:39 PM
To: TechSHO@topica.com; 'Shotimes@Autox. Team. Net'
Subject: RE: COTM at the SHO FORUM

Toss-up between Carter & Bizzy. The Turbo car runs OK, but it's not a very
slick package (as in: crude), whereas Carter's has some style....regardless
of whether you like the "yellow" trim or not!!

Ron Porter
-----Original Message-----
From: Kirk Doucette [mailto:kirk.doucette@verizon.net]
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 7:33 PM
To: TechSHO@topica. com; Shotimes@Autox. Team. Net
Subject: COTM at the SHO FORUM
Guys there are two great Gen 1 cars up for The Car of the month at the
forum.. Cast your vote


Kirk J Doucette
NESHOC President
Stormtrooper-97 White

This email was sent to: kirk.doucette@verizon.net

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