[Shotimes] OT Indiana Goofy Time

Zach Leahy Zach Leahy <leahyz@gmail.com>
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:00:00 -0500

PS, I think that those who have to change theri clocks are the goofy
ones.  Just casue everyone else does it does not mean it's right.

Now I agree we should be on the same time zone throughout the state.
But I also understand why certain counties change time and others do


On 4/26/05, Zach Leahy <leahyz@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ya know, Indidana has been on this time setup for a long time... why
> is it that now everyone is making a fuss...  It worked, we liked it.
> leave it alone.
> Grumble grumble....  making me change my clock.  now that's goofy.
> Z