[Shotimes] engine bay aesthetics

Peter Maggiacomo gtsrider@yahoo.com
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 22:50:25 -0700 (PDT)

I think a silver of a not so bright tone would work.
GM has some silvers that have a little gray in them
and are not those bright light silvers. I agree with
your "lightening" of the engine bay. When all your 
brackets and other parts are refinished to a clean
new look, the light reflective off your silver/gray
engine bay will make everything look jewel like.
Dark engine bays keep light down, and mute all of the 
nice new replated, and refinished parts.
So, I'm for it as long as it's not too bright of a
silver. That will look odd and tacky.
Keep us abreast of your work occasionally. I find 
projects, that others are doing, interesting.
In the shop for the last 4 months and still there.
This time having the dash torn out for the AC
evaporator replacement.