[Shotimes] Old and Crusty...Zach

krazgeo@comcast.net krazgeo@comcast.net
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 02:41:22 +0000

On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 13:33:02 +0100, Zach Leahy wrote:

>Any of the old crowd still around here (pre-topica)? 

Hey Zach!!  

Glad to see you back home, and back in your car. There're a few changes around the
house.  Right now I'm in Taiwan, but will be home in about 24 hours from now. 
Emailing is a bit more challenging ffrom here, because my mailer won't send for some
reason....I use the Comcast website to send, and things are OK, but I have to paste

We'll catch up when I get home....there's just me for a month...wanna come visit!!??
 (New house)

No SHO engines to fix, I promise!!    ;-)
