[Shotimes] Plus for sale

Dave Pillsbury showerks@comcast.net
Thu, 26 May 2005 11:05:29 -0700


I saw it in person yesterday and could have bought it out from the high 
bidder.........................I'm so freaking happy I got out bid it's 
not funny! I was a Mocha Mocha plus at one time. It's been repainted 
it's been wrecked and repaired. Rusty holes in the body. Nothing I'd 
want to play with.I got it to crank over it sounds like loss of compression

van Oss wrote:

>A gal in Michigan is offering a Plus on eBay.
>Closes in about three hours.  Has the plastic hood and spoiler.
>Seller says " The car will start with starting fluid. But it will not stay 
>running, possibly fuel pump or an electrical problem? "
>Any ideas about that?
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