[Shotimes] Brake Bleeding Question

Donald Mallinson dmall@mwonline.net
Thu, 13 Oct 2005 02:33:25 -0500

Diagonal, all cars are the same.

If you asked the initial question, it was if you had to bleed the 
system.  So that is why I assumed you hadn't.

Don Mallinson

M Khan wrote:

>Of course I bled the system, but my question more or
>less relates to how the SHO brake system is setup.
>Is the master cylinder setup in a diagonal pattern or
>both front, both back?
>95 MTX
>--- Donald Mallinson <dmall@mwonline.net> wrote:
>>Anytime you open up a brake line or caliper etc
>>(meaning replace a 
>>part), you MUST bleed the system.    Oh sure, you
>>might not be too 
>>unsafe if you were careful as mentioned below, but
>>no amount of careful 
>>will keep ALL air from getting in the system.  and
>>even a tiny bubble 
>>can soften the pedal and make things dangerous.
>>Please, don't give the impression that there is room
>>for guessing here.  
>>Bleeding the brakes is a simple and cheap thing to
>>do to keep the system 
>>in top shape.  Because I do track days with most of
>>my cars, almost all 
>>of them get a flush/bleed every year.  I almost
>>always get air out even 
>>though the systems are in great shape and I use
>>fresh fluid.
>>Don't play games, do it right please.
>>Don Mallinson
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