[Shotimes] Any "24" fans?

G Kerby Haltom g.kerby@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:54:20 -0700 (PDT)

Seems like I've been told similar things before, but didn't have a donkey with me...  :-)

"Ben B." <crossfiretek@insightbb.com> wrote:  Subject: Re: [Shotimes] Any "24" fans?

> In Connorsville, Wisconsin a man is legally prohibited from shooting a gun
> while his female partner is having an orgasm.
> Yes that's a real law.

And to think I was just about to post that I'm getting dumber for reading
this thread.  Mark, you just saved the day and gave it some useful
knowledge.  One of the laws still on the books here in town is than  "You
are not permitted to have your ASS(donkey) in a public park after 9:00 PM."
Excuse me sir, you'll have to leave.  You can't have your ass in the park.

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