[Tigers] alpine on eBay...again

Peter Laurinaitis laurin212 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 08:51:41 MDT 2007

the old "i got it from an estate and dont know better" story.  yeah right. 
someone shrewd enough to buy a car that is supposed to be special and worth
some money who bought it for a fraction of its value.  anyone can google for 5
minutes and see what you are supposed to look for. 10% chance he actually got
taken, 90% chance he's just trying to take someone else.  sorry, the cynic in
me.  oh by the way, i'm a bank manager with a bank account that holds unclaimed
$10mm in sierra leone and am willing to share 20% of it if you help me get it
transferred to your US account...  



--- CoolVT at aol.com wrote:

> Andy,
> Maybe he really didn't get "stuck with it." He supposedly got it  from an 
> estate.  If he paid $3,000 or $5,000 he should still be able to do  quite
> well 
> even selling it as an Alger. Somehow I get the feeling that he bought  it
> pretty 
> cheaply. 
> The main point is that after the communications from list members,  he should
> investigate and then list it as an Alger.  Of course if it has  enough 
> original  Tiger parts, possibly it would be TACed as a Tiger.   Getting back
> to the 
> old discussion, I don't think anyone has ever established  what parts and how
> many parts must be present to be TACed as a  Tiger.
> Mark

Peter Laurinaitis
peter.laurinaitis.wg02 at wharton.upenn.edu

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