[Tigers] South Florida TAC Event January 3, 2009

Paul R Sheahan sunbeamtiger at prodigy.net
Sat Dec 20 15:47:37 MST 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,
      I am in the final planning stages of the South Florida TAC Event on
January 3, 2009.  I would like to know who will be bringing their Tigers to
the event. 
     The weather is great, sorry Northeasterners and Midwesterners, 75 degrees
and sunny and it is a great time to visit us here in Naples. If you have never
visited the Naples area, you are in for a treat.  You guys up north are
welcome if you want to escape the "great white north".  We are the wintering
ground for the great speckled snow bird.......and we love having them.
      Please let me know if you plan to attend.  The TAC Inspection team is
assembled and ready to crawl under some cars.
Paul R Sheahan
Senior TAC Inspector#23

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