[Tigers] more ePay Tigers...fun topic

Cullen McCann cmccann at lwpb.com
Tue Jul 1 08:23:55 MDT 2008


I know we beat this to death sometimes, but I can't help it, I enjoy the
topic. There are several cars on e-Pay right now, and the one that caught my
eye is the car with the Alpine parts car out of New Jersey. (Item number:
260256780525) and link below if it will work:


In previous discussions we have talked about when a car is too far gone....I
remember a little red car sitting in the snow up north a few months back, and
the opinions were across the board about whether or not it was
"savable"....and I seem to remember taking the position that it was definitely
capable of being saved and we should keep them on the road....well....now I am
retracting that logic on this car. It seems clear to me that its definitely a
real Tiger, and it has literally rotted away to nothing left. And between that
and the wreck, I don't see much left to work with. At least there are some
good parts... like inner fenders and drivetrain...some good interior bits that
fortunately the owner keep out of the weather....but I cannot imagine the body
being remotely usable, even for the most dedicated to optimism.

I'm pretty sure that this one is so thin, that if you put a rope on it and
tried to drag it out of the mud, it would pull apart into pieces the size of


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