[Tigers] Looking for a fuel tank sending unit...

Paul R. Breuhan prbreuhan at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 15 08:53:49 MDT 2009


The previous owner of my Tiger had aftermarket gauges and I have gone back to
the factory gauges and now my fuel gauge is off, it never dips below 1/2 a

Now with the price of gas being so high, a miracle tank that never empties
would be great...but walking home 2 miles the first drive out this Spring is
not so great. Fills up to full fine...so I am guessing I need a new sender.

Anyone got one that they can spare? I have contacted a couple people so far
and have come up empty so to speak.

Let me know how much you want for it...for shipping purposes I am just outside
of Detroit Michigan, USA

Again...thanks in advance,


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