[Tigers] Crossed wires - Part II

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Tue Nov 3 14:01:07 MST 2009


While acetic acid forms (CH3COOH), also known as ethanoic acid, is an 
organic acid which gives vinegar its sour taste and pungent smell. 
However, the substance may be toxic to kidneys, mucous membranes, skin, 
teeth, etc.

<cid:part1.04070202.09070105 at SoCal.rr.com> >

I believe some bottles of salad dressing and vinegar have quantities in 
it, SO DO NOT PUT "Permatex" in your salad!

NOTE:  It seems the Italians and the French have developed an immunity 
to this drug from long time ingestion in small quantities.

<cid:part1.04070202.09070105 at SoCal.rr.com>

Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Smit, Theo wrote:
> I used gray Permatex gasket forming sealant on the marker lights. I
> don't think it is acid based. Other silicones that I've used release
> acetic acid as they cure, but I've never noticed any serious corrosion
> on metal parts that I've applied it to.
> Theo

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