[Tigers] bench building my tiger

Doornbos, Daniel daniel.doornbos at intel.com
Fri Oct 16 23:25:30 MDT 2009

The reality is for $7k I'm not going to go the route of the mod motor both
because of the cost and the cutting required.  Thanks for all the info.  Gary
specifically I would appreciating getting your $2k stroker build plan.  I also
found a few stroker fox body Mustangs on Craig's list for ~4k.  This gets me
the motor and a 5sp.  Any motor from this kind of set up would need a new
induction system and a rebuild before install but still might come out
cheaper.  For laughs here is the link to the YouTube video a guy included in
the for sale of his car 347 stoker, $4500.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3J6YprL6Y4 .  Think this motor will needs

On another topic the best cutting story I remember was a fella from Florida
and original owner of his car (I believe).  He seemed to be changing his car
every few weeks.  The last iteration posted (to my recollection) moving the
fire wall back to fit a 351w or maybe a Ford big block and a 3sp auto.


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