[Tigers] Fwd: FW: this is a fabulous commercial

Rollright at aol.com Rollright at aol.com
Thu Mar 22 11:07:08 MDT 2012

Tatra cars made in Czechoslovakia (now  the Czech Republic) were made from
before WW 2 thru the  70s(?)
They had V8 air cooled engines in the rear. Not mid engined  !

Made them a bit of a handfull. During the war, Luftwaffe pilots  loved them
because it took a dexterous hand to keep one in (wait for it...)  check.

At any rate, this ad has been overdubbed with modern song by  David Holmes,
"I heard wonders". It isn't short and seems VERY spy like with  James Bond
overtones and a pretty girl that is an Audrey Hepburn lookalike.  Strange
piece and almost trippy.

I loved it!
Jim Armstrong

Promotional spot about  a Czech car made in the sixties - Tatra 603!!!

Reklamnm spot T  603

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