[Zmagnette] Timing

Steve C. laverda at aol.com
Thu Feb 6 03:34:55 MST 2014

That's not out of the ordinary for points ignition system if you really drive your car. Replacing with a modern electronic ignition is well the worth time & money. It is a single best improvement you can make to the motor, increasing reliability, performance, as well as time & cost over the long run. I have worked on 1000 of vehicles using electronic ignition in the last 30 years. The number of failures it that time is less the 20, most in the early years of electronic ignition. I have worked on far less using points, but had many more failures. There is no reason not to put electronic ignitio on a car is actually used. Keep your points as a back up if you feel the need to. 
Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Ken Beisser <kenbeisser at gmail.com> wrote:

I've got a 1500 engine in my ZA and have to adjust the timing every 4 months (stock dizzy) Is this normal?

Ken B

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