
As I mentioned in the general Méray history they took over the Adler distributorship in 1934.
For this they needed a new headquarters. So they moved to Lehel street, which is now the home of the Mercedes-Benz importeur:
Two contemporary pictures about the inside of the new plant:

"In the neat new premises the Méray Motorkerékpárgyár Ltd offers a modern and well-equipped repairshop facility" - wrote a Hungarian car magazine in 1934.
An Adler while being checked
Beside selling and maintaining Adlers Méray also commissioned Hungarian coachbuilders, mainly Uhri to build commercial-type bodies to Adler Trumpf Juniors. Also a few beautiful passenger cars were made.
Imre Uhri opened his coachbuilder company in the '30s. He mainly built bodies for buses and trucks. After the War in 1948 they were capitalized and with other companies forced to join a new company emerged: the Ikarus bus factory.

Adler Trumpf Junior two-seater by Uhri

For the Gas company they supplied many Adlers, probably with Uhri bodies:
gas gas gasMany cars

gázAdler 2.5 litres chassis, pick-up body.
This cars replaced the outdated three-wheeler vans after the unsuccesful 1-ton lorry. (The pictures about the Gas company cars and these pick-ups are from the Zsuppán collection).

Special Adlers:

Adler-Minerva? same car Adler 2 liter two-seater cabriolet by Dörr&Schreck 1939 with Hungarian number plate.

Copyright and Copy, 1996: Négyesi Pál Budapest, Magyarország.

Elsô verzió: 1996 október

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