NUMBER: 68-14
DATE: 6-27-68
SUBGROUP: Carburetor

MODELS: All Models Equipped With Zenith C.D. Carbs
SUBJECT: Loss Of Oil From Dash Pots -- Zenith C.D. Carbs

Where complaints are received of persistent loss of oil from carburetor dash pot pistons resulting in loss of piston damping, it is recommended that the following action be taken:

  1. Remove damper(s) and chamber cover(s).

    NOTE: Always be sure that the chamber cover is refitted in its original position, otherwise re-centralization of the jet will have to be carried out.

  2. Mark and drill a l/16" (1.5 mm) hole in position shown. Make sure that the hole is drilled so that when cover is replaced, the hole is facing away from the engine, (i.e. the highest point on angled carburetors). The hole must break through into recess above top thread. (fig. 1)

  3. Plug the existing hole, with Solex Plug, Part No. 51550. Be sure it is adequately secured and that it does not obstruct the top thread.

  4. Refit cover to carburetor. Fill damper with correct grade of engine oil as per Service Manual. Re-fit damper.

J.J. Rivers
Service Manager
