Re: Alpine - Tight caliper bolt

From: Frank Marrone (marrone(at)
Date: Sat Mar 16 1996 - 01:17:40 CST

>>This is a tough one any help is appreciated !!!!!
>>Can't get that bl...y top bold of the caliper undone !!!

>Dont scrap the car - consult an engineering firm - they may be able to
>drill it out by CAREFULLY drilling down the center of the bolt and
>retapping the thread.

If you carefully drill down the center of a stuck bolt, almost but not quite
to the threads, you often find that an appropriately sized easyout can now
be used to extract what is left. Don't twist too hard on the easyout
because those things are hard and extreamly difficult to remove if you break
them off flush in a hole (don't ask me how I know). It is important not to
use an undersized easyout if you want to avoid something bad. If the bolt
remnant does not come out easily this way you could try rotating between
heat, penetrating oil and the easyout.

This should work but if it doesn't I've found that, after drilling, you can
sometimes use a small punch to collapse whats left of the stuck bolt in on
itself and extract it in chunks.

Good luck!!
Frank Marrone
MK I Tiger B9471116
Series I Alpine (And proud of it)

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