Re: Woooh! Can of worms!!

From: matthew.c.jennings (matthew.c.jennings(at)
Date: Thu Apr 03 1997 - 08:33:53 CST

I joined this list because I LOVE the automobile and my Alpine. My Alpine is
an avenue for me to get away from the everday demands of the ratrace. I for
one am not offended by ther request for free parts. That takes away from the
joy of owning my car. I am offended that we are wasting time and energy on
polluting this forum with remarks such as this. I joined this forum for the
enjoyment and discussion of a common interest. Everyone on this page is
intelligent friendly and quite helpful. The fact that any of us would even
react to the request is ludichrist!

Kind Ragards, Matt


Suspicion is much too mild a word for my reaction - your second phrase
'outright hostility' is much more accurate!


Every day we are bombarded with 'scams' - buy this and make your hair grow -
buy this and listen to the marvellous music of the fifties - 'this' will make
your life in the kitchen a 'breeze' - the phone rings (just when I am trying to
eat my dinner) and someone is trying to stuff some product down my throat (in
among my chicken and potatoes) - and the price is so attractive (in BIG print)
and the S & H is so reasonable (in very small print) - of course the
S & H is usually a big part of the price (I mean after all what does it REALLY
cost to ship a CD or bit of merchandise?)

[Let's face it Christopher - Mike was trying to pull off an 'albanian' pyramid
scheme - and (some) of us caught on - if you find that offensive - well TS!

Anyone who puts a posting like that on a legitimate newslist like the 'Alpines'
deserves whatever he gets!

Sorry, Christopher and/or Mike - you get no sympathy from me.

Barrie Henderson

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