Re:Re[237]: On ring bolt topic

From: Frank Marrone (marrone(at)
Date: Thu Apr 24 1997 - 22:38:27 CDT

>Many 390s use the locking tab style washer and it is very common to find
them with >the bolt out a turn or so but hopelessly corroded in the head.
I've seen many >broken bolts at the top of the port on these engines.
Perhaps these washers be >made out of too soft of a material and be
contributing to the problem?

Uh, Ford 390 V8s, I forgot who I was speaking to...

Frank Marrone MK I Tiger B9471116
marrone(at) 1966 LTD
                       Series I Alpine "fix me"
                       Yamaha Seca 900

Oh, he said it again!


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