RE: Stupid Question of the Day

From: Jarrid Gross (Yorba Linda, CA) (GROSS(at)
Date: Fri May 09 1997 - 12:09:00 CDT

Scott and other beamers,

Allways connect Positive to Positive (Red), Neagtive to Negative(Black).

The difference will be that the positive ground vehicle will have its
Positive terminal going to the chassis, and the negative ground
car will be vice versa.

The only thing to pay close attention to is NOT allowing the to cars to
phisically touch one another during the jump start, as both batteries
will be shorted out.

Big fire=

>Okay guys, I'm brave enough to ask the Stupid Question of the Day.
Let's say I
>want to jump start my positive-earth Alpine with my modern,
>vehicle. How do I hook up the jumper cables? Pos to pos, and neg to
neg? Do I
>worry about blowing up all my electrics on the Alpine?
>Scott Christie
>Series 3 Alpine Registry

Jarrid Gross

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