The Boost back in my Booster.

From: Tom Yang (TYang(at)CompuServe.COM)
Date: Sat May 24 1997 - 22:41:09 CDT

Well I installed my refurbished Brake Servo today, and what a difference!
I can easily lock up the brakes now, and my idle stays the same when I
depress the brake pedal. I'll have to get used to the light touch the
brakes have now, but I certainly have more confidence in stopping.

I also installed my new fuel line Tee from Curt at Classic Sunbeam. It
looks like the new materal used in the new Tee will work. Thanks Curt.

Now I'm worried that I've fixed too many things on the Alpine, and
something's going to break soon. This ever happen to anybody else?


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